[27042007] I gave Jie2 a very big surprise when she wake up. *hee* I pee~ed and poo~ed on the tray. *haha* Jie2 and Kor2 was so happy.
Must be wondering why Val2 suddenly so good girl right? That is because Jie2 bring me to Kor2 house before that and I keep getting scolded and beaten as I keep barking at Kor2 family members. I was even punish to sit in one corner alone. :cry: I only want to get them to play with me! :cry:
But Jie2 haven been good also. *hee* She keep giving me treats to make me feel better from the beating. *haha* Got once, she place all the different treat Val2 have on Kor2 body. *haha* Then I eat till Kor2 shirt all got biscuit crump
o~ Jie2 was saying, recently the pet food recall thing is getting worst. Even Nature Variety was also being recalled. Jie2 was suggesting she should start home-cook-food for Val2 *gulp* Hope it true that I can now eat HCF. *haha* *piss piss: I heard Jie2 call Kor2 ask him buy dolly fish* *yummy*.
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