Yesterday [25 Mar 07], I play till I'm so tire that I lie flat after I reach home.
Jie2 and Shan2 walk me under the big hot afternoon sun to Dogoholic to play with Ashly, JR and JD. *faint*
What I done:
- Had some fight around with them as I'm moody cos of my red red
- I also did play around with them and other dog. *piss piss* I like maltese more!!
- Go around begging for treats
- Pee~ed on my blue panti *hee*
- Got beaten up by Jie2 alot of time as I keep barking at other people for nothing! *ouch* Jie2 say I naughty girl!
After bath, Val2 go another sumptuous salmon meal
Here e menu : Sliced Salmon Fish + Broccoli + Chopped Garlic + 4 scoop of kibble + flaxseed oil
"Val2, why you anyhow pee2 poo2 on the floor!!!" *opss* Jie2 spotted it. I better go hide.
Labels: Diary