Yesterday [27 Mar 07], Val2 has been a naughty girl. I refuse to eat my salmon breakfast.

I was left alone at home for a very long time cos Ah Ma, Jie2 and Shan2 went out shopping. I was sooo hungry! It was after a few minutes Kor2 came home then I hear Jie2 voice at the opposite side of the door, she bought celery for me. *yummy* .. Thenfore, I had celery added into my dinner. *gulp~ gulp~ munch~ munch~ burrrrrrp~* *giggle*
After a while, Jie2 and Kor2 went out again! And when Jie2 come home, she bought me a baby apple juice for me to drink. *yuck* Val2 don't like. Only lick a bit and off I run, far far away.
O~ and erm I wore Ashly Mei2 panti last night. Thank to Sandy Jie2 who gave it to me. But that Val2 still don't like panti!!!!

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