Saturday, May 19, 2007
[18052007] Jie2 cook for me 2 meal. Her 1st attempt on Cabbage Roll + Lamb. *hee* It was yummy yummy. Val2 finish eating all! Initially, I make a mess out of it cos the meat is being wrap up by the cabbage leaves but after attempting it twice, I "master" the way of eating eat *laugh out loud*.

Though I only get to eat the cabbage roll in the afternoon, and had only the filling for dinner, nether less, it still yummy yummy! I still have quite a large portion of the filling to eat as Jie2 prepared a lot. Jie2 say she going to fry the filling with oliver oil for me tomorrow. Please do not tell ah ma ok! *shhhh* If she know Jie2 fry food, ah ma will scold her upside down. *hee*


posted by JO at 1:18 AM