On Saturday [01082007], Jie2 and Kor2 bought me to ECP to run. *tire* Val2 was chasing Jie2 who was cycling on a bicycle while Val2 pull Kor (who was also on a bicycle but wasn't cycling).
After running for about 3 laps, Val2 tired tired le!
On Sunday [02082007], Val2 went grooming ($35) at Hazel Jie2 house which is at Yishun. *far .. faint* On the way back, we were caught in the rain and so we seek shelter at one of the overhead bridge. Jie2 very smart, once she alight from the bike, she open Val2 bag and "steal" Val2 towel and use. *faint*
Here are some photos of Val2 before and after grooming *hee* Jie2 take d~! Val2 hate that big big camera. *mad*
Labels: Diary