Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Today Jie2 and Kor2 bring me to JR and JR s' house. Their house very big. Got a big big mirror. Val2 keep looking at it. So curious.
Labels: Diary
posted by JO at 3:47 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008
wow .. Val2 very long never go Sentosa for a swim. Today I had mine fun. Swim and swim until I'm so tire, I sleep in the boat. *hee*
Labels: Diary
posted by JO at 8:43 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008
It grooming day! Today Jie2 and Kor bought Val2 to Hazel Jie2 house for grooming. They came back so late. Make Val2 wait there alone! *weep*
Labels: Diary
posted by JO at 3:42 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
waargghhhh! Jie2 bully me!

Labels: Diary
posted by JO at 6:44 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Today Jie2 so free, went to dig out photos of our 1st MSC Gathering! *haha*
She uploaded only a few.
Labels: Diary
posted by JO at 12:38 PM
